Homeopathy and Children
Homeopathy is great at helping children to develop normally physically and emotionally. It boosts their immune systems decreasing their susceptibility to illness. Homeopathy boosts childrens’ confidence, natural intelligence and abilities.
It is a safe, gentle effective 200 year old system of medicine with no side effects. It eases the effects of drugs and other addictive substances and lessens the inherited tendencies to diseases that we are all born with. Infants and children respond very well to homeopathic remedies. With homeopathy, childrens’ health can improve and chronic conditions often clear up completely and don’t come back.
Just a few examples of childrens’ symptoms where homeopathy works well:
colic; fever; teething problems; croup; sore throat; coughs and colds; ear infections; diarrhoea/vomiting; growth/development related problems; emotional issues; warts; poor concentration; low self-confidence and bedwetting, to name but a few.
As a homeopath and holistic practitioner, I view symptoms that arise in children during their development as the body’s attempt to throw off an inner disturbance which the immune system has not been able to overcome and where the balance of health has been lost. I work with you and your son or daugher to find out when and how the symptoms began and the exact nature of them, in order for homeopathic treatment to stimulate your child’s system to work through the underlying causes to bring resolution to the symptoms, whether they are acute or more chronic.
For symptoms during childhood, the homeopathic prescriptions your child is given take into account both the specific symptoms they are suffering from as well as their general constitutional type, including any characteristics such as likes and dislikes, temperature control, and other individual factors that reflect them as an individual, in order to stimulate their system to rebalance itself.

Consultations last at least an hour, during which we go through your child’s symptoms, how they started and the effect they have, as well as looking at your child’s characteristics as an individual in order to get the best homeopathic prescription for him or her. You can book a consultation below